Alison Moore News



Somehow I knew that would grab your attention!  Here in my little workshop, I am fortunate enough to work with the most amazing home-bakers.  When I heard about the Macmillan...

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Women's rugby

Women's rugby

I've always admired women that strive out in a male dominated world. Many years ago, I worked in the construction sector so I know how  tough it can be to be...

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Auction for Aid

Auction for Aid

Whilst Orkney is bathed in sunshine, swallows blissfully darting around the skies and rabbits are hopping around the fields, it's hard to understand the pain and suffering that is happening to...

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Colourful Sapphires

Colourful Sapphires

It’s hard not to be in love with Orkney at any time of the year, the landscape is ever changing and the skies wonderfully dramatic.  In September we have seen...

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August Birthstone, Peridot

August Birthstone, Peridot

Peridot is a very old gemstone originally used by Egyptians and while it dates back to over 200 years B.C. it is still right up-to-date and a modern favourite among jewellery...

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Ruby, birthstone of July

Ruby, birthstone of July

July hosts the birthstone to the beautiful and rich red ruby, named from the Latin word rubens meaning red. Rubies are incredibly hard, only slightly softer than diamonds, and are...

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Boho inspired wedding

Boho inspired wedding

I'm feel so privileged that many of you gladly share your beautiful wedding photos with me.  It's so nice to see them being worn and loved.  Here's some photo's from...

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June is bustin’ out all over as the song goes.  The month that hosts the longest day and brings with it an abundance of sunshine (we hope!) and flowers has...

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A time to remember

A time to remember

This week marks 100 years since the battle of Jutland, and Orkney is playing a big part in commemorations.  Over the weekend we saw the arrival of several BBC lorries...

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An Island Proposal

An Island Proposal

Last year, Orkney was voted the most romantic destination by non-other than Mills and Boon.  As I see people in a permanent state of boiler suit and everyone hurrying around...

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Emeralds - May birthstone

Emeralds - May birthstone

It’s May.  The sun is shining, swallows are back in Orkney, people have stopped scowling at the weather and plants and flowers are beginning to emerge with life and colour....

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Secrets at Skaill

Secrets at Skaill

Last week Alannah Cooper Photography and I headed to one of the houses that was the inspiration behind my Secrets collection. Situated on an Orkney beach facing the North Atlantic...

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